Financial – Judicial (Court) Expertise

Financial – Judicial (Court) Expertise

In the field of “Financial and Judicial (Court) Expertise”, we provide professional services that cover a wide range of analyses and assessments, necessary for resolving legal and financial issues. Our experts are certified and have deep experience in the field of financial analysis, ensuring that every information is reliable and accurate in legal processes and decision-making.
The services we provide include:
- Financial analysis for litigation matters: through financial litigation expertise, we assist parties in litigation disputes, in determining economic damages, financial disputes, lost profits, economic, financial and tax transactions, of parties in finance-related litigation.
- Financial consultancy: providing consultancy on financial matters and assistance in preparing reports and documents to be used during legal proceedings.
- Investigations of assets and financial resources: In cases of in-depth investigations of hidden assets or tax evasion, our team provides specialized services to discover and analyze assets and financial resources.
- Handling tax matters: our experts provide specialized services for handling tax matters, including advising and defending clients regarding tax obligations and disputes with tax authorities in the Republic of Kosovo.
- Tax avoidance and tax evasion: financial expertise on tax avoidance or tax evasion, ensuring relevant institutions that individuals and businesses have followed legal and sustainable tax practices, respecting the law on taxes and fees in the Republic of Kosovo, helping to prevent tax avoidance and other acts with possible legal consequences.
- Fair treatment of tax and financial obligations: Providing services for the management and fair treatment of tax and financial obligations, to ensure that institutions and entities [taxpayers] fulfill their obligations accurately and in accordance with the law.
- Handling disputes between entities and business partners: Our experts provide precise expertise in resolving disputes and conflicts between entities or business partners. This includes the analysis of business agreements [contracts], the assessment of economic and financial damages, helping to achieve a fair and sustainable solution for the parties involved in various economic disputes, reducing negative consequences and enabling a healthy continuity of business relationships.
Financial and judicial expertise is regulated by Law No. 08/L-191 on Judicial (Court) Experts and Regulation No. 03_2022 on the procedures, conditions and remuneration of judicial experts. This ensures that any expertise is carried out in accordance with the laws, providing reliable and accurate services for any type of judicial process.

Expert MRs. Nazmi Bajrami, Certified Auditor:
Our expert, Nazmi Bajrami, with license number 196/23, issued by the Judicial Council of the Republic of Kosovo on 06.04.2023, is registered in the List of Judicial (Court) Experts with ordinal number 196. The expert provides financial and judicial expertise services in accordance with the relevant law and regulations.
To view the list of judicial experts and verify the ordinal number 196, you can click on the link below: “Listën e Ekspertëve Gjyqësorë”.
All information collected during the financial and judicial expertise process is protected in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data in the Republic of Kosovo. We also ensure that information collected in the financial, judicial and criminal fields is treated with complete confidentiality, respecting all legal rules and norms for the protection of privacy and data security.
Our experts are equipped with in-depth legal and financial knowledge, providing reliable and accurate services for any type of litigation, as well as for individuals and companies seeking a fair and objective assessment of their financial situations.
For any questions or requests for financial and judicial expertise services, do not hesitate to contact us, through the website or directly via e-mail